Hey Realtors! Want to convert renters into buyers? Try sending beautiful stop renting postcards — here are 6 you can customize for your business!
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You can run a list count for FREE and see how many prospects you can reach with your real estate marketing to renters.
You can customize this tired of renting postcard design to make your contact information stand out (and elicit more response!):
You want your prospects to see your face and phone number so they call YOU!
According to a USPS Household Diary Study, 81% of Americans check their mail every single day. Yup, even in our digital age!
So, put your real estate marketing to renters where they already look:
The mail!
Here’s a ready-to-go design you can send:
Crazy, but true:
Direct mail generates a 750% better response than that of email!
So you’re likely to generate more leads (and appointments, and revenue) from send tangible postcards vs. just eblasting out.
Here’s a design you can mail your prospects this month:
Prospects love seeing the person behind the brand, and this is especially true for businesses that are up close and personal (finances, real estate, housing!).
Here’s a design you can use:
A quality, targeted mailing list can make or break your real estate marketing to renters…
So don’t skimp on your mailing list — the more targeted you can make it to your ideal client, the better.
Design and mail your own cards using the templates from this blog post! Click here to start designing now!