Hey Realtors —
Want ready-to-go real estate agent introduction postcards you can send to announce your business and generate leads?
Here are 6 you can customize to your business —
Take a look!
When you mail new realtor announcement cards to a targeted list of prospects, you’ll get your business seen above competitors who just won’t take the time.
Your realtor marketing is all about ROI.
One of my clients sent postcards and generated “only” 3-5 responses…
But those few responses turned into:
Those responses meant serious business for my client!
You can read the full case study here.
This new agent announcement postcard can easily be customized for your business:
Want to know how many prospects are in your area?
Get a FREE list count — plus, 1,000 FREE records.
Point blank:
Your realtor marketing MUST include a special offer.
Here’s an example to illustrate why:
One of our clients mailed 6,000 postcards and received 219 interested leads!
Here’s a new agent announcement postcard you can customize and send for your business:
Want ideas for your special offer?
Grab this:
FREE report: 128 special marketing offers already PROVEN to work
Yup — you read right:
A 14,194% ROI from ONE marketing campaign!
My clients, CA real estate brokers, closed 5 deals after just 2 months of mailing postcards…
Which averaged $260,000 EACH.
Talk about results!
See their postcard design and mailing list strategy here.
Just plug your professional logo into this real estate agent introduction postcard design:
Here’s the last one:
You can input 4 of your listings’ photos in this gorgeous new agent announcement postcard design:
Here’s some real estate marketing intel:
The QUALITY of your mailing list (and how consistently you mail to it) determines your response and ROI from your marketing.
If you don’t know where to start in getting a mailing list FULL of your ideal prospects, here’s some help:
Get 1,000 FREE records here when you do a FREE list count for your area.
And there you have it! Those are 6 real estate agent introduction postcards you can use to grow your business.
Design and mail your own cards using the templates from this blog post! Click here to start designing now!