Reach your prospects effectively and generate a response from your marketing with these 6 awesome expired listing postcards!
According to a USPS Household Diary Study, 81% of Americans check their mail every single day!
Mailing expired listing postcards puts your marketing message where prospects already look:
The mailbox!
Here’s a ready-to-go design you can send:
Believe it or not —
Direct mail generates a 750% better response than that of email!
So you’re likely to generate more leads (and properties sold!) from mailing expired listing postcards vs. just email marketing.
Here’s a design you can customize for your business:
Prospects love seeing the person behind the business name, and this is especially true for businesses that are up close and personal (finances, real estate, housing, etc.).
Personalize your marketing and stand out from your competition with this expired listing postcard template:
Taking your expiring listing marketing and personalizing with your headshot and logo can increase your response by up to 135%.
Here’s a design you can customize:
I think you’d be surprised at what special offers can do!
In fact:
One of my real estate clients mailed 6,000 postcards and generated 219 interested leads!
Mail attractive expired listing postcards like this one:
When your prospects receive an expired listing postcard like this one, they’ll definitely spot the bright colors from the mail stack!
We have real estate clients who’ve used postcards to grow their business (and bottom line!).
Here’s just one example:
When one client of ours mailed postcards for their marketing campaign, they generated a 1,484% return on investment!
See their mailing list strategy AND the actual postcard used here.
So there you have it! 6 ready-to-use expired listing postcards you can send to grow your business
Design and mail your own cards using the templates from this blog post! Click here to start designing now!